Tag: Ujima

Kinara’s Children Coloring Book: Ujima and Ujamaa
Here’s another batch of images potentially destined for my upcoming coloring book. I haven’t forgotten about this project but have been patiently creating a workflow that would allow me to “easily” render these out of my 3D software, Blender, with crisp outlines for coloring. As I worked on it I really liked the comic book effect I was getting with the color behind the line Read More …

Faces of Ujima: a Study
Ujima’s one of my Kinara’s Children characters that doesn’t get enough attention. My last couple of posts have featured him. In this one he gets the expressions treatment. So far I’ve done Nia, Imani, Umoja and Kuumba and if you’ve paid attention you may notice that each set has been done a bit differently. With Ujima I got a bit happy and started adding text, Read More …