Positive Images for Positive People

Kinara’s Children

Ujamaa, the Entrepreneur.

Ujamaa the Entrepreneur

Kwanzaa day 4. Ujamaa represents Cooperative Economics.

Ujima, the Builder

Ujima, the Builder

Another entry into my series Kinara’s Children. Here we have Ujima representing the third day of Kwanzaa and the principle of Collective Work and Responsibility.

Kinara’s Children: Everyday Heroes

Kinara’s Children: Everyday Heroes is a series of designs and illustrations based on the 7 principles of the Nguzo Saba, the underlying basis of the Kwanzaa holiday. Each principle is represented by a character who embodies these principles, Umoja, Kujichagulia, Ujima, Ujamaa, Kuumba, Nia, and Imani.Aimed at a young audience, it lies somewhere between picture books and comics but it’s not your typical superhero group. Each character possesses amazing skills based on hard work and determination. Eventually they’ll come to learn why they’ve been brought together and the awesome power of the collective.

A work eternally in progress.
Many thanks to Maulana Karenga the creator of Kwanzaa and the Nguzo Saba.

Kuji, the Activist

Kuji image

Continuing with Kinara’s Children.
Kwanzaa day 2 is Kujichagulia.